StoryBoard Process
This storyboarding process was a fun one. Three designers, a large whiteboard, and some Spongebob compilations led to our quirky mixed media, collage-style snackable with lots of personality. Our can, we decided, was going to be forcefully returned to nature from his drab, 9-5 lifestyle.
Our video is intended to be whimsical and comedic, so portraying something inanimate like a can of beer posed as a fun challenge. After storyboarding and mind mapping, we determined that we wanted the stills of these scenes to be versatile so that they could also be utilized for fun brand extensions.
Final Looks
Our advertisement is designed for people who want to spend more time outdoors. The stylistic choices in our design also suggest an atypical market for Rainier advertising. We are centering our humor and design on the millennial who has finally settled into their mid-30s and the perceived drab routine that follows.
Roles and Responsibilities
Cam Gibb - Animation, Sound Design, Character Animation, Styleframes, Concept, Brand Research.
Elsa Haddock - Drawn Assets, Logotype Design, Process Book, Styleframes, Concept, Brand Research.
Owen Paznokas - Photography, Motion Tests, Pitch Deck and Collateral, Styleframes, Web and Instagram Toolkits, Concept, and Brand Research. 

here are some more designs

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